Beef Cutlets With Sauce
Beef cutlets are extremely simple to prepare, and the taste is really brilliant. Crispy, meat disintegrating in the mouth with a distinctive taste, together with a rich-flavored sauce, we get a perfect dish that perfectly matches with potatoes, Silesian dumplings or groats 🙂

1 kg of beef leg, cut into large slices and crushed with a pestle (6-7 slices)
250 g mushrooms, cut into smaller pieces
2 medium onions, sliced
5 garlic cloves, cut into smaller pieces
1 carrot, diced
1 small parsley root, diced
1 small piece of celery, diced
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
400 ml chicken stock (can be the broth from the previous day)
3 tablespoons of oil
2 tablespoons of butter
freshly ground pepper to taste
1 teaspoon of oregano
3 bay leaves
4-5 grains of allspice
possibly salt to taste (I didn’t add it)
Rub the slices of beef with pepper on all sides. Heat the oil in a frying pan over high heat. Fry the beef on each side until brown for about 2-3 minutes and put it in the pot. In the same pan, fry the onion over low heat. Add carrots, parsley, garlic, celery and fry together over low heat. At the same time, in the second pan, melt the butter and fry the mushrooms. Add the fried mushrooms and oregano to the onion and mix thoroughly. Fry together for a few minutes and transfer the contents of the pan to the beef pot. Pour hot broth, add some peppercorns, bay leaves, allspice and simmer, covered, for an hour. After this time, add the soy sauce and stew another 30-60 minutes, until the meat is tender. Take out the meat and allspice and bay leaves. Blend the contents of the pot until smooth. Put the meat back in, or season the sauce with the recipe’s spices. Serve with potatoes and cucumber salad, for example 🙂