Tender, juicy meat in a dark mushroom sauce is the perfect way to prepare beef cutlets. Most people are afraid of preparing beef but it proves me wrong because this is really tasty, filling and easy to prepare meat. This dish is full of flavor and extremely aromatic 🙂


0.8 – 1 kg of beef leg, cut into large slices and crushed with a pestle (6-7 slices)
200 g mushrooms, cut into smaller pieces
2 medium onions, sliced
4 cloves of garlic, cut into smaller pieces
2 tablespoons of soy sauce
400 ml of boiling water
3 tablespoons of oil
1 tablespoon of clarified butter
1 flat teaspoon of pepper
1 level teaspoon of salt
1 level teaspoon of oregano
3 bay leaves
4-5 grains of allspice


Rub the beef slices with half of the pepper on each side. Heat the oil in a frying pan over high heat. Fry the beef on each side until brown for about 2-3 minutes. Put the beef slices in the pan in batches so that the beef does not lower the temperature of the oil and begin to boil, and it should be fried. Put the fried beef into the pot. In the same pan, fry the onion over low heat. At the same time, in the second pan, melt the butter and fry the mushrooms. Fry the onion and mushrooms for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, it’s important not to burn them. At the end of frying, add garlic, fried mushrooms, oregano to the onion and mix everything thoroughly. Fry together for a few minutes and transfer the contents of the pan to the beef pot. Pour boiling water over everything, add the remaining pepper, salt, bay leaves, allspice and simmer, covered, for an hour. After this time, add the soy sauce and stew for another 30-60 minutes or until the meat is tender. After this time, remove the meat, allspice and bay leaves. Blend the contents of the pot until smooth. Put the meat back in, or season the sauce to taste. Serve with potatoes, kopytka or kluski and your favorite salad 🙂


allspice, bay leaf, beef, butter, easy recipes, garlic, mushrooms, oil, onion, oregano, pepper, salt, soysauce, water

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