Christmas Devilled Eggs

When it comes to holidays, eggs are more associated with Easter, but they are also great for Christmas. The recipe is extremely simple and really...

Tangerine Honey Walnut Cake

A delicious and easy cake recipe for winter where the tangerines are juiciest. A loaf cake baked with the fresh flavor of tangerine with sweet...

Pork Stew With Chorizo And Chickpeas

Stews are great dishes that cook by themselves. They are perfect for preparing the next day, because the ingredients will taste even stronger. This time...

Pulled Pork Burger With Barbecue Sauce

Burgers are extremely popular dishes all over the world. They can be prepared classically, they also taste great with tuna, and my favorite are sweet...

Potato Pancake

Traditional Polish potato pancakes, simple, cheap, crispy and extremely tasty. They go well with both stew and a simple snack. They are perfect for sweet,...

Blueberry and Lemon Curd Cake

Tasty, refreshing, sweet and tangy cake perfect for warm summer days. Great for any occasion, especially during the holiday season. With pieces of fruit, lemon...