Pork tenderloin is one of my favorite parts of a pig, so it’s a must-have when barbecuing. In this version, we have a delicate grilled sirloin with an aromatic lime and honey marinade. After slicing, we have a beautiful dish with a unique taste 🙂


1 piece of pork tenderloin (500 g), cleaned of the membrane
the juice of one lime
3 tablespoons of honey
1 tablespoon of oil
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 chilli pepper, finely chopped (seedless)
½ teaspoon of salt
½ teaspoon of pepper


Mix lime juice thoroughly with honey, oil, garlic, paprika, salt and pepper. Put the meat in the marinade, rub the marinade thoroughly and refrigerate overnight. After this time, remove the tenderloin from the refrigerator an hour before grilling. Place the tenderloin on the hot grill and slowly bake on each side until it is a nice brown color. Turn it over a dozen times to make sure it will be baked inside, pour the marinade over the meat from time to time. Such a tenderloin is perfect both hot and cold 🙂


chili, easy recipes, fast recipies, garlic, grill, honey, lime, oil, pepper, pork, salt

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