Pulled Pork Burger With Barbecue Sauce

Burgers are extremely popular dishes all over the world. They can be prepared classically, they also taste great with tuna, and my favorite are sweet...

Tortilla Casserole Cake

A delicious casserole, slightly reminiscent of a pancake cake, and the taste is similar to a burrito. An effective dish that will beautifully decorate every...

Fusilli Pasta In Tomato Sauce With Hungarian Sausage

One of my favorite pasta dishes right after the creamy carbonara. The preparation is extremely simple, quick and the dish is simply brilliant. A great...

Pork Stew With Chickpeas

Pork goulash or stews are often found in my kitchen. They also taste great when heated, it is easy to feed the whole family with,...

Chili Con Carne In Polish Style

It is not a classic chili con carne, but a slightly modified version of the Polish chef Karol Okrasa. A great way to make a...

Pork Stew With Tomato And Mushrooms

A delicious stew that is a bit of a mixture of Mexican stew and Hungarian stew, which makes a really delicious stew for the whole...