Chocolate Cake Pops
This easy cake pops recipe is covered by white chocolate coating and colorful sprinkles that make it look beautiful. A bite-sized dessert perfect for every...
Blueberry White Chocolate Mascarpone Tart
An easy dessert recipe yet a delicious one. A crunchy almond base filled with sweet and creamy white chocolate with mascarpone cream that melts in...
Jackfruit Cheesecake
I love cheesecake, it is one of my favorite desserts. I usually prepare cheesecakes with Polish ingredients, but I thought it would be worth making...
Raspberry White Chocolate Pistachio Tart
Pistachios, raspberries, white chocolate are the perfect trio for a great dessert. The pistachio tart is simply brilliant, crunchy and rich in flavor. The raspberry...
Panna Cotta
Panna cotta is a traditional Italian dessert which literally translates as 'cooked cream'. It is one of the simplest desserts, one of the most beautiful...
Snickers Cake
I met Snickers cake for the first time only in Poland. At first, I thought that this dessert was created on the basis of popular...