I really like classic carbonara, but my husband doesn’t quite like it, that’s why I decided to prepare this slightly modified pasta for him. In this way I made the perfect version for him, which he just eat and asking for another dish again. This dish looks elegant, it is made quickly, and most importantly, it is very tasty. Remember that the most important thing about cooking is that you like the dish and in the kitchen is worth experimenting to find the perfect dish for you and your family 🙂


500 g spaghetti
250 g smoked bacon, cubed
4 eggs (can be only yolks)
200 g sweet cream 30%
70 g grated parmesan cheese
chopped green parsley
salt and pepper
Grated Parmesan cheese to sprinkle on top


Cook the pasta in salted water according to the instructions on the packaging. Strain, but do not overflow, just leave in the strainer. Fry the bacon in a pan without adding oil (it has a lot of fat in itself). Eggs, parmesan, cream, a pinch of salt and a large amount of pepper transfer to a dish and mix to a homogeneous mass (preferably using a blender). When the bacon is browned, add the pasta and mix. Fry together for 2 minutes. Take the pan off the burner and pour the whole mass with eggs, cheese and cream. Mix everything thoroughly so that the pasta is covered with mass and the sauce slightly thickens. If you leave the pan on the burner or cook to much, it will be like scrambled eggs with pasta and bacon. Add chopped parsley. Transfer to a plate and sprinkle with the remaining cheese 🙂


bacon, cheese, egg, parsley, pasta, spaghetti, sweet cream

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