Simple, delicious, creamy, chocolate cake with delicious creams of various flavors and sweet and sour raspberries. The dessert looks dignified, when cut, you can see a beautiful differentiation of light cream with chocolate cake. A great recipe to prepare both in the summer season and during various celebrations and holidays ๐Ÿ™‚



4 eggs
1/2 cup of sugar
1/3 cup of cake flour
1 tablespoon of potato flour
2 tablespoons of cocoa
pinch of salt



600 ml heavy cream 30%
3 tablespoons of powdered sugar
150 g of dark chocolate
250 g of cream cheese
1/4 cup of hot water
250 g of raspberries

Additional Ingredients:

grated dark chocolate for decoration


Sift the flour together with the cocoa powder. Separate the egg whites from the yolks and mix with a pinch of salt until stiff. Gradually add a spoonful of sugar whisking all the time. Reduce the speed of the mixer and add one yolk at a time. In a few small portions, add the dry ingredients and mix gently until well combined. Form with dimensions line 23 x 31 cm with baking paper. Put the batter into it and bake it at 170ยบC for about 30-35 minutes. After taking it out, leave it to cool down (if you like, you can gently soak the sponge cake with, for example, coffee infusion or alcohol mixed with tea). Melt the chocolate over a water bath and let it cool down. Mix the cream and cream cheese into a stiff mass, divide it into two parts. In one part, add a tablespoon of sifted powdered sugar and cooled but still liquid chocolate and gently mix. Pour over the sponge cake and spread. Put it in the fridge while the second cream is being prepared. In the second part of the cream, add powdered sugar to taste. Put the raspberries on the chocolate cream and cover with the cream cream. Put in the fridge for an hour. Garnish with grated dark chocolate. Serve ๐Ÿ™‚


butter, cacao, chocolate, cream cheese, cream, creamy, egg, flour, fruits, mascarpone, potato flour, raspberries, salt, sugar, sweet cream, water

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