A simple and tasty smoothie that is great as a healthy, nutritious breakfast and as a sweet dessert. Greek yoghurt will make the dish light, and the large amount of fruit creates the perfect blend of flavors emphasized by almonds 🙂


1 pack frozen raspberries
1 banana
½ cup greek yogurt
½ cup almond milk


sliced banana
sliced kiwi
almond flakes


Freeze the yoghurt into the ice cube tray. Add all the ingredients together with the frozen yoghurt into a high-powered blender. Blend for 3-5 minutes. Scrape down sides (add water if needed). Blend until it became nice and smooth. Transfer into a bowl and top with your favorite toppings 🙂


almond milk, almonds flakes, banana, greek yoghurt, kiwi, raspberries

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