Fat Thursday is coming soon, it is one of my favorite holidays, because you can freely eat donuts before Easter Lent. On this occasion, I decided to make my own tasty, sweet and fluffy donuts for the whole family. Homemade donuts look wonderful and are tastier than from the store 🙂


500 g of flour sifted
50 g of fresh yeast, crushed
100 g of sugar
100 g of melted butter
4 yolks
1 egg
250 ml of warm milk
1 tablespoon of 95% alcohol
flour for sprinkling the countertop
1 l of oil
strawberry jam for the filling
powder sugar
candied orange peel (recipe) for toppings


First, prepare the leaven, for this purpose, pour the milk into the bowl (the bowl should be large enough because the leaven will increase in volume), add the yeast, 2 teaspoons of sugar and 5 tablespoons of flour. Mix thoroughly, cover with a cloth and set aside in a warm place for 15 minutes. During this time, prepare 2 pots, one bigger and one smaller. Pour water into the larger pot, put the yolks and egg and the rest of the sugar in the smaller pot. The most important thing is that the smaller pot should stay firmly on the large pot and not touch the water. Boil water in a large pot and reduce the heat, put a smaller pot on top of it and mix its contents for about 10 minutes until it is fluffy. Transfer the flour to a large bowl, add the leaven and the egg mixture. Knead the dough and gradually add the butter while kneading the dough. At the end, add the alcohol and knead for a while so that the ingredients combine. Cover the bowl with a cloth and set aside in a warm place for about 1½ hours. Sprinkle the dough with flour and roll out the dough to a thickness of 0.5 – 1cm or depending how thick you want. Use a big glass to make a round shape (should be divided into pairs). Put 1 tablespoon of jam in the middle of the round dough and top it with another dough. Press the sides to connect and to be sure filling is stock inside. Repeat process until finish. Cover the donuts with a cloth and let them rise again for 40-50 minutes. Heat the oil in a pot to a temperature of about 160-170°C. Fry the donuts for about 2 minutes on each side (it is worth placing the donuts downwards from the rising side). After frying, put the donuts on a paper towel to let the fat drip off. Mix powder sugar with water. Pour it on top of donuts and sprinkle it with candied orange peel 🙂


alcohol 95%, butter, donut, egg, flour, jam, milk, oil, orange, powdered sugar, strawberry, sugar, sweets, water

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