It happens that we have left ingredients and we have no idea how to use them. This time, the ingredient is spinach. That’s why I decided to prepare homemade pasta with spinach. It is a great addition to dishes, and the beautiful green color perfectly emphasizes the appearance of the dish 🙂


370 g flour
3 large eggs
40 g spinach, boiled and drained
pinch of salt


Combine the flour and salt into a mixing bowl. Add the eggs and cooked spinach in a food processor, pulse for 10 seconds and add to the flour mixture. Mix for 3-5 minutes or until the mixture comes together and forms a round ball. You can add a spoon of water if the dough is too crumbly or a spoon of flour if the dough is too sticky. Wrap the dough with a plastic cling wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. After this time, remove the dough from the fridge and let it sit for 5 minutes to soften. Knead the dough on a floured surface until smooth. Roll out the dough to a thickness of about 1 mm and allow to dry for 10 minutes. Cut the sides of the dough to make it a nice rectangular flat sheet using a pizza cutter. Cut the dough into long strips about 3mm thick (or as thick as you want the pasta). During this time, boil water into a pot (without salt and oil). Put the pasta strips in boiling water. When the pasta comes out, cook for 2 minutes. Drain through a strainer. The pasta is ready to serve with your sauce of choice 🙂


easy recipes, egg, fast recipies, flour, italian, pasta, salt, spinach

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