Soft, fluffy and chocolate cake is a great combination with thick, creamy and smooth raspberries buttercream. The pretty soft pink color with a sweet and tangy flavor that is made not from food coloring but from fresh raspberries and a delicious chocolatey cake. Perfect for a special occasion like a baby shower or your little girl’s birthdays.

Chocolate Cake


7 eggs
65 g of cocoa powder
65 g of flour
½ teaspoon of baking powder
1 cup granulated sugar


Beat the egg whites until stiff, gradually add a spoonful of sugar whisking all the time. Beat for about 3 minutes or until the egg whites get thickened and shiny. While whipping, add one yolk at a time. Beat for about 3 minutes or until the mass becomes fluffy. Sift in cocoa, flour and baking powder into a clean bowl. Add them into the whipped mass, preferably in 4 batches, stirring the mass gently at a low speed each time until well combined. Line the bottom of two 20–21 cm round baking tins with baking paper and divide the mixture evenly. Place into the oven preheated for 170°C. Bake for 30 minutes or until a stick inserted turns out dry. Allow to cool.

Raspberry Buttercream:


1 cup raspberries fresh or frozen
3 tablespoons lemon juice
150 g softened butter
250 g mascarpone at room temperature
50 g powdered sugar


In a saucepan, place the raspberries and lemon juice over a medium heat. Mash up the raspberries then allow to simmer for 10 minutes. It should be thick like a jam. Strain the mixture into a bowl and disregard the seeds. Set aside to cool. In a mixing bowl, beat the butter and powdered sugar at a high speed until you get a fluffy mass. While mixing, slowly add the mascarpone preferably in 2-3 batches. Mix until smooth cream. Add cooled raspberry puree and continue to mix until the desired color and consistency. Divide the raspberry buttercream into 4 parts.


Cut both cakes into two parts. Place one part of the cake into the cake board. Add ¼ of the buttercream and spread evenly. Repeat the process and end with the cake to make a four level cake but make sure to leave buttercream for the outside decoration. Spread left buttercream on the top and around the cake. Decorate the cake as desired 🙂


baking powder, butter, cacao, cream cheese, cream, creamy, easy recipes, egg, flour, fruits, lemon juice, lemon, macaron, mascarpone, meringue, oil, oven, powdered sugar, raspberries, sugar

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