Homemade Kiwi Icecream
Homemade ice cream recipe is a delicious and simple recipe for the whole family. On hot summer days, we often look for something to cool...
No-bake mini cheesecake
Cold cheesecake is a nice alternative to the classic cheesecake. Simple and quick to prepare, this dessert will be perfect for the summer days. The...
Moist Chocolate Cake with strawberry
I don't know a person who doesn't like chocolate cake. With strawberry pieces we have a really nice composition of flavors. The cake is not...
No-bake cheesecake with rhubarb
Cheesecakes are one of my favorite desserts. However, hot days are approaching, during which you do not want to be around in a hot oven....
Strawberry Semifreddo
Hot days have come, so we must be prepared. Strawberry ice cream dessert is a great option for a tasty use of strawberries during warm...
Sa Panada
Since we celebrating our Anniversary in home I tried cook something special. Sa Panada is a dish from Sardinia. It originally contains lamb or eel,...