Karpatka is one of my Husband’s favorites. It’s a traditional Polish cream pie which is composed of choux pastry dusted with powdered sugar and filled...
Chicken with Chickpeas in Tomato Sauce
A light, quick, simple, extremely filling dish that is also extremely tasty. The ham perfectly emphasizes the taste of juicy chicken, a light sauce without...
Chickpea, Bacon and Sausage Soup
Recently, the days have been cold, even though it is springtime, so a warming soup is a perfect idea for cold days. A tasty, filling,...
Bacon Wrapped Meat Roll
Minced meat is very often used in my kitchen. From minced cutlets, through spaghetti, to meatball soup. This time I decided to make a delicious...
Meatballs and Vegetable Soup
Delicious, easy to make, nutritious soup with lots of vegetables. The cooked meatballs are light, tasty and emphasize the taste of the soup. A light,...
Cheesecake with Lemon Curd
A perfect dessert this spring time! Creamy, smooth and delicious cheesecake topped with luscious homemade lemon curd. Pretty in look and so refreshing! Ingredients: For...