Arugula and Lettuce Salad
A tasty, simple, light, healthy and colorful salad is a must-have dish. This is what this salad with arugula, radishes, olives and other delicious ingredients...
Cherry Brownie Trifle
Classic and delicious dessert layered with homemade brownie, fresh cherries, chocolate pudding and whipped cream just like the black forest cake. A perfect combination of...
Chicken Stew With Vegetables and Rosemary
A simple dish to prepare, and the taste is incredible. Juicy chicken, delicious vegetables in aromatic sauce is a perfect mix for a successful family...
Banana Nutella Milkshake
Milkshakes are perfect for hot days. This is for sure this milkshake with delicious bananas, ice cream and Nutella loved by many people. It will...
Fish Cutlets
This is a recipe for Polish freshwater fish, but for such cutlets you can easily use other favorite fish with white meat. The method of...
Chocolate Brownies
Brownie cake is known practically in every corner of the world. It owes its name to its characteristic dark brown color. The preparation of this...